We are committed to providing a safe working environment and minimising our environmental footprint

HSEC Policy

EnviroMist® is committed to the elimination of workplace injury and illness of all workers and others that may be affected by our work activities and minimisation or elimination of pollution and other damage to the environment caused by our services and projects. EnviroMist® takes its responsibility as a corporate citizen seriously and is committed to the use of local workers for its projects wherever possible.

This is achieved through:

  • Complying with statutory requirements, codes, standards including ISO45001 and ISO14001;
  • Setting up objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related incidents in relation to our activities, products and services;
  • Defining roles and responsibilities for occupational health, safety and environment;
  • Selecting contractors committed to engagement with local communities, where possible.

Strategies will include:

  • Ensuring hazards and risks are identified through the use of a thorough risk assessment on the EnviroMist® premises and by Contractors on all project sites;
  • Continuously improve the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System;
  • We will set and regularly review high quality HSEC objectives which are measurable, realistic and achievable;
  • Ensuring corrective actions are taken, records kept and reviewed in the quarterly Improvement Review Meetings and further preventative actions taken, as deemed necessary;
  • Providing ongoing education and training to all of our employees;
  • Participation of employees and other parties in HSE management system review i.e. policy and procedure development and review and HIRAC development and review, to improve decision-making on occupational health and safety matters;
  • Ensuring incidents and accidents are investigated and lessons are learnt within the organisation and providing an emergency response program;

Management has the responsibility for implementing this and other policies as an integral part of their accountabilities; they may delegate their duties and activities, but not abdicate their responsibilities. Workers and contractors have an obligation to protect the environment and take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others, and to cooperate and comply with reasonable policy, procedures and instructions. The Health, Safety, Environment and Community Policy shall be reviewed at least annually in consultation with staff.

Authorised by:

Managing Director

Friday 10th July 2020